
Glossary of Astrology

Glossary of astrology incorporates a list of astrological terminologies used here with analysis. Viewers may click on any word to see its online amplification.
  • Affliction - Adverse aspects between planets. Planets getting debilitated or conjoined with evils are also called afflicted.
  • Aquarian - Glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Aquarius is known as an Aquarian.
  • Aquarius - Astrology explains Aquarius, the water bearer is in the eleventh Zodiac and the third gaseous zone extends from geometrical 300 degrees to 330 degrees. This Zodiac is gaseous and fixed in nature, mainly controlled by the planet, Uranus in cooperation with Saturn.
  • Arian - Glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Aries is known as an Arian.
  • Aries - Astrology explains Aries, the ram is the first Zodiac and the first fiery zone extends from geometrical 0 degrees to 30 degrees. This Zodiac is fiery, cardinal, or movable in nature and is controlled by the planet, Mars. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Ascendant - The glossary of astrology explains the ascendant, part of a Zodiac that rises in the east at the time of birth of a child or commencement of an event. It is also called "Rising sign" or "Lagna"
  • Astrology - The branch of science deals with the effects of the planets in different arrangements on a human being. Besides, the effect of one planet on others and vice versa is also the prime objective of the study of astrology.
  • Astromancy - Stellar divination.
  • Astronomy - Science of celestial bodies.
  • Atheism - Disbelief in the existence of God.
  • Auspicious - Of good omen.
  • Autism - Autism is purely a lunatic as well as a semi-genetic disease. Hyper-activity is the primary symptom of autism which is followed as a genetic character to the posterity, thus autism becomes the second generation genetic disease when the recessive factors of gene become dominant. In this context, viewers may have a glance at the page of medical astrology to get more Astro-analytical reports on autism, IVF treatment, and many more diseases.
  • Birth Time - The birth time of a baby has two meanings, the first one is facing meaning when it comes out of the womb and is denoted by the clock and the other is the intrinsic meaning which is expressed with the entrance of air into the lungs of the baby that makes the first cry. The latter is the actual time of birth of a baby as it felt the thrill of birth.
  • Cancer - Glossary of astrology explains Cancer, the crab is the fourth Zodiac and the first aquatic zone extends from geometrical 90 degrees to 120 degrees. This Zodiac is watery, cardinal, or movable in nature and is controlled by the planet, the Moon of the Earth. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Cancerian - According to the glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Cancer is known as a Cancerian.
  • Capricorn - Capricorn, the sea goat is the tenth Zodiac and the third earthy zone extends from 270 degrees to 300 degrees. This Zodiac is earthy, cardinal, or movable in nature, controlled by the planet, Saturn. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features like Sun, Moon, and the Rising sign respectively.
  • Capricornian - A person belonging to the Zodiac, Capricorn is known as a Capricornian.
  • Cardinal sign - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the cardinal signs where the declination of the Sun gets changed, as a result, seasons change. Thus entrance of the Sun into a movable Zodiac brings about a change of season.
  • Congenital Immaturity - Congenital means relating to birth and Immaturity means undeveloped. Every mammal inherits at least two immature zones in their body anatomy since birth and the organs located in those immature zones get sick at ease. This is common in the physiological configuration of every human being.
  • Conjugal - Relating to a couple.
  • Constellation - Relating to the stars. A cluster of stars having identical features is called a constellation.
  • Contra-Indication - This is a medical terminology usually used to write for the indication of a drug specified for diseases. Adverse effects of any drug into the body are known as contra-indication.
  • Creed - School of faiths or beliefs, relating to religion.
  • Debilitation - A planet that is very weak in a certain Zodiac is called debilitation. This Zodiac is just the opposite of exaltation.
  • Dwarfism - Dwarf means, below normal size and the state of dwarfness. Dwarfism is usually found among humans, animals, and plants. In this context, viewers may read the article on the dwarfism of Pluto on the page of Publication.
  • Earth - Earth is the planet where we live. It is as if, the uterus of the universe where blood flows and life takes birth. If we imagine the universe as a single human body and the planets are its different organs; Earth, our home planet plays the role of the uterus of that imaginary human body. Earth is the only known planet in the solar system which harbors life with versatile diversities. Earth is made up of fire, earth, air, water and life with their mutual interactive system which causes a continuous change of plight within the earth and each and every living organism is in the process of continuous adaptability to keep their respective existence viable by keeping pace with the unique situation.
  • Eternity - Everlastingness or Endless.
  • Exaltation - The most powerful position of a planet.
  • Fallacy - Faulty reasoning or argument.
  • Ganesh - Ganesh or Ganapati means, the God of people or mass as trusted in Hindu philosophy and is depicted by an elephant, which has a more powerful memory than any other animal.
  • Gemini - Glossary of astrology explains Gemini, the twins is the third Zodiac and the first gaseous zone extends from 60 degrees to 90 degrees. This Zodiac is airy and common in nature and is controlled by the planet, Mercury. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features like; Sun, Moon and Rising sign respectively.
  • Geminian - A person belonging to the Zodiac, Gemini is known as a Geminian.
  • Hindu - Follower of Hinduism.
  • Horizon - The line at which earth and sky appear to meet.
  • Horoscope - According to the glossary of astrology, a horoscope is a picture of the planets or the heavenly bodies during the birth of any person which differs from man to man with the change of time and geographical positions. Astrological analysis of a person begins with the preparation of a horoscope which requires the exact date, time, and place of birth of that person concerned.
  • Horoscopy - Drawing and interpretation of horoscopes.
  • Immunity - Glossary of medical terminology, immunity means, the acquired state of resistance of the human body against diseases.
  • Indication - The glossary of medicine describes the effect of drugs on a particular disease.
  • Infrastructure - Basic requirements like a house, roads, electricity, transport, water supply, etc. required for human habitation.
  • Intestinal - Relating to the intestine. The intestine is the tubular passage in our body cavity through which foodstuff moves under bio-chemical change as a result leaves the nutrients for absorption in blood and catering nutrition to the rest of the body.
  • Introvertism - Art of staying self-contained or inward-looking.
  • Intuition - Immediate apprehension by the mind or the sense without reasoning or analysis.
  • IVF Treatment - IVF means In-Vitro-Fertilization. In the normal sexual process sperm and ovum unite in the fallopian tube of the uterus in a female body, this process of fertilization is a normal phenomenon and is called in-vivo. But when this normal process becomes impossible then fertilization is done out of the female body or better to say in a test tube, this process is called In-Vitro-Fertilization and the zygote, i.e. the product of fertilization is being inserted into the uterus of the same female body who contributes ovum, for growth and maturation of the zygote. IVF treatment is required for couples who fail to respond in the in-vivo process of fertilization.
  • Jupiter - Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system with numerous moons and several rings in its configuration. Amongst its numerous moons, Jupiter has the four largest moons, called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. As those moons were discovered by the Italian astronomer, Galileo Galilei so, collectively known as the Galilean satellites. Jupiter, in Vedic astrology, is considered the life-initiating planetonn earth. This planet controls thighs and feet of a human body. Besides, it imparts the sense of piousness in us and due to its distance from the Sun, Jupiter is known as a superior planet.
  • Jyotish Shastra - Jyotish Shastra, the words derived from Sanskrit. "Jyotish" means planets or celestial bodies and "Shastra" means a scientific study.
  • Leo - The astrological glossary explains Leo, the lion is in the fifth Zodiac and the second fiery zone extends from 120 degrees to 150 degrees. This Zodiac is fiery and static or fixed in nature, controlled by the Sun. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Leonian - A person belonging to the Zodiac, Leo is known as a Leonian.
  • Libra - The glossary of astrology explains Libra, the scales of balance in the seventh Zodiac and the second gaseous zone extends from 180 degrees to 210 degrees. This Zodiac is airy, cardinal, or movable in nature, controlled by the planet, Venus. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Libran - According to the glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Libra is known as a Libran.
  • Lunar - Relating to the Moon.
  • Luster - Brightness, Glow or Splendour.
  • Luster of Eternity - The book which deals with the utilities of Vedic astrology in human life was written by the astrologer, Asish Kumar Das.
  • Magic - Art of influencing events supernaturally.
  • Marital - Relating to marriage or between husband and wife.
  • Mars - Mars is basically a fiery planet but possesses both, a fiery as well as watery nature in its topography. The watery nature of Mars is the contribution or effect of Pluto on it. In Hindu astrology, Mars has been described as the son of Jupiter. Like the Sun and Jupiter, Mars also exhibits its fiery nature and also possesses huge vacuums in its topographical features. This planet controls blood and the brain in the human body and due to its distance from the Sun, Mars is known as an inferior planet.
  • Mercury - Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun which is compact with rocks and little quantity of gases. Mercury is dry, earthy, and atmospheric in nature; no existence of water is there in Mercury, this is due to its nearest position to the Sun which provides maximum enjoyment of heat and keeps the surface of the planet hot on the contrary, hardly allows water in any form of state. But, while the planet runs at its retrogression or backward movement, maintains a considerably longer distance than the usual from the Sun, may help the planet to lose its surface temperature and as a result deposition or gain of unstable water in the form of moisture at its polar region is quite possible. Mercury is an inferior planet considering its distance from the Sun.
  • Moon - The Moon is the natural satellite of earth with a diameter of about 3,470 kilometers. The Moon takes the same time i.e. 27.3 days to rotate on its axis as well as to orbit the Earth. There existence of water in the polar region of the Moon. The surface of the Moon is dusty and mainly consists of solid rock. The most important function of the Moon is to control the passage of all the planetary radiations or effects of different planets into the earth. Moon is a satellite but, if we consider its distance from Earth and the Sun, will also be termed as an inferior celestial body.
  • Mundane - Terrestrial or geographical.
  • Neptune - Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, considering its distance. Neptune is a watery planet in its topography. Neptune saves the earth from quakes, although in resisting earthquakes, Pluto takes the lead, and then comes, Neptune. Neptune is a passive planet that is dependent on Jupiter to communicate its effects on Earth. Neptune was discovered in 1846. Neptune is a superior celestial body considering its distance from the Sun.
  • Nobel Prize - Prize awarded to the scholars of the world for outstanding achievements in various subjects in the name of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish scientist, inventor, and versatile scholar. Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) was born in Stockholm, Sweden, on October 21, 1833.
  • Nomenclate - System or keeping the name for things, a scientific terminology.
  • Occult - According to astrology, occult means; abstruse, mystical, supernatural, or esoteric.
  • Palmistry - Palmistry is another branch of occult science, which deals with the comprehensive study of the palm-prints and gets the idea of future happenings in life. Palmistry is another proof that champions that everybody has a different life, as we all have different palm prints.
  • Peristalsis - A wave of contraction preceded by a wave of relaxation is a characteristic movement of the intestines by which the contents i.e. the foodstuff are moved along the lumen or the space within.
  • Phenomena - Observed or apparent objects, facts, incidents, or occurrences.
  • Pisces - Pisces, the pair of fish is the twelfth Zodiac and the third aquatic zone extends from 330 degrees to 360 degrees. This Zodiac is watery and common in nature, mainly controlled by the planet, Neptune in cooperation with Jupiter. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Piscean - According to the glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Pisces is known as a Piscean.
  • Planet - Heavenly or celestial body orbiting the Sun.
  • Plus Four (+4) Theory - The human body is made up of five (5) basic ingredients, i.e. a) soil or minerals b) water or fluid, c) heat or fire, d) air or oxygen, and e) space. That means, in a particular space - four (4) ingredients take part in creation. As if, in a frying pan, food-stuffs mix together and form a chemical compound or food having a new taste. Thus, the initiation or birth of the plus four (+4) theory took place. In this theory, the first twelve numbers i.e. 1 to 12 have been taken into account for the analysis of twelve (12) different segments of a human body: twelve (12) different aspects of a human life: twelve (12) different factors of a business organization as well as - twelve (12) pillars for the formation of a country or nation as a whole. The theory has versatile applications which have been discussed exhaustively in my book, Luster of Eternity (ISBN: 1413735746). I am the author of the book as well as the initiator of the plus four (+4) theory. My name is Asish Kumar Das, author, astrologer, and founder of this website.
  • Pluto - Pluto is the smallest, coldest, and most distant planet from the Sun. Pluto is purely a watery planet and static in its topographical feature. The most important function of Pluto is to keep the water content of the Earth static and also save the Earth from the frequency of quakes to a great extent. Pluto is also a passive planet that depends on Mars to exert its activities on Earth. Pluto is the only planet that shows the highest sensitivity to heat and cold, no other planet responds so sharply to heat and cold the Pluto. This is due to its typical feature of rotation through the acute elliptical pathways around the Sun which allows the planet sometimes to come close to the Sun as well as keeps the planet at the most distant position from the Sun. Account of such a sharp elliptical movement has attributed the planets the feature of the highest heat sensitivity. Pluto is a superior celestial body considering its distance from the Sun.
  • Precarious - On nature will or controlled by God.
  • Prediction - Art of forecast, foretelling, or prophecy.
  • Preventive - Deterrent, obstructive, or pre-emptive.
  • Prophylaxis - A mode of treatment where medicines act slowly and are administered to keep precautions against diseases.
  • Radiation - Emission or transmission of invisible energy as electromagnetic waves.
  • Remedy - This means removing anything undesirable or setting things right.
  • Reproductive - Reproducing of a further member of the same species or breeding.
  • Rigorously - Thoroughly or accurately.
  • Sagittarius - The astrological glossary explains Sagittarius, the archer in the ninth Zodiac and the third fiery zone extending from 240 degrees to 270 degrees. This Zodiac is fiery and common in nature, controlled by the planet, Jupiter. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Sagittarian - According to the glossary of astrology, a person belonging to the Zodiac, Sagittarius is known as a Sagittarian.
  • Salvation - Free from eternal misery.
  • Satellite - An attendant body revolving around a larger one, its primary. All the planets are satellites of the Sun.
  • Saturn - Saturn is one of the superior planets in the universe, considering its distance from the Sun. Saturn has the most extensive and complex ring on its outer orbit along with at least 30 satellites.
  • Scavenging - Searching for or collecting waste or discarded items.
  • Science - Logical study with the investigation, where results of investigations are systematized by mathematics or logic.
  • Scorpian - According to astrology, a person born or belonging to the Zodiac, Scorpio is known as a Scorpian.
  • Scorpio - The astrological glossary explains Scorpio, the scorpion is the eighth Zodiac and the second aquatic zone extends from 210 degrees to 240 degrees. This Zodiac is watery and fixed in nature, mainly controlled by the planet, Pluto in cooperation with Mars. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Sensitivity - Intolerable to any chemical substance or responsive to slight changes of condition.
  • Solar - Relating to the Sun.
  • Somatic - The human body is made up of two basic types of cells, viz. somatic cells, and reproductive cells. Somatic cells are responsible for the growth and development of body muscles and the reproductive cells, perform the job of maturation of sex cells for reproduction.
  • Sophisticated - Highly developed, complex, and elegant.
  • Soul - A non-perishable part of every living organism is called Soul. From the sources as well as its qualitative angle, souls are of four (4) types i.e. Soul from the immortals, Soul from the manes, Soul from the lower animals, and Soul from the infernal regions respectively. Moreover, if we analyze the quality of the souls with respect to fire, which could be available from various sources. Fire coming out of wood, fire from petrol or kerosene or diesel, and fire coming out from the combustion of a candle would never be of same quality. Soul is also like that, superior, moderate and inferior in nature which manifests in our activities.
  • Spiritual - Relating to the Spirit or heaven or faith to eternity i.e. the Almighty God.
  • Stellar - According to astrology, relating to stars.
  • Sun - The Sun is the nucleus or of the solar family it’s about five billion years old and will continue to shine for another five billion years. All the planets and asterism rotate on their respective orbit or pathways around the Sun, following a definite rule of movement. Considering the functional angle of view, the Sun has a great similarity with that of the nucleus of an atom. As in an atom, the electrons rotate around the nucleus. Similarly, in the solar family, planets and asteroids rotate around the Sun.
  • Superstition - Faith without logic or irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious.
  • Taurean - According to the glossary of astrology, a person born or belonging to the Zodiac, Taurus is known as a Taurean.
  • Taurus - The astrological glossary explains Taurus, the bull is the second Zodiac and the first earthy zone extends from 30 degrees to 60 degrees. This Zodiac is earthy and fixed in nature and is controlled by the planet, Venus. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Termination - Induced abortion or coming to an end.
  • Testimonial - Letter of appreciation or certificate or gift presented as a mark of esteem.
  • Therapeutic - The appropriate dose of medicine. A mode of treatment where medicines are administered to cure diseases.
  • Unique - Having no like, equal, matchless, or parallel.
  • Unprecedented - Unestimated or unparalleled
  • Unproductive - Having no power of reproduction. Not productive, useless, barren, sterile, unprofitable.
  • Uranus - Uranus is a passive planet that depends on Saturn to communicate its effect on Earth. If we smoke that ruins our health, but Uranus smokes to save the Earth as well as other planets from destruction at the cost of its own health. In fact, Uranus is meant for the said purpose amongst the planets in the universe and likewise the lungs of a human body where the gaseous exchange takes place, Uranus has taken up the job as the lung of the entire solar system. Whatever obnoxious gaseous wastages come out from the combustion of the Sun, move around the solar system by means of the solar wind, and are usually dragged by Uranus to ensure a conducive environment in space as well for the convenient movement of the other celestial bodies. Uranus thus plays the noble role of a scavenging planet in the solar system. In Vedic astrology, it was believed that the formation or creation of Uranus happened just to store the obnoxious gases coming out as the output of the continuous combustion of the Sun. Uranus is an atmospheric planet and static in its topographical features and devoid of water in it. The most important function of Uranus is to keep the inflow of sunrays balanced into the earth by the selective antagonism of Mars, which is the carrier of sunlight on Earth. The fact seems to be incredible but it happens with the theory of conversion of energy into different forms which we are well versed in our scientific studies. Uranus is a superior celestial body considering its distance from the Sun.
  • Vedic - The astrological glossary explains, Vedic means relating to Vedas, which was the most ancient sacred literature of the Hindus. Veda means, Knowledge.
  • Venus - Venus is a planet, which is basically a combination of earthy and atmospheric nature in its constitution. There is no existence of water on Venus. Venus is a rocky planet with a similar size and mass to Earth. In addition, it possesses a higher atmospheric pressure than the Earth. Considering its distance from the Sun, Venus holds the second position after Mercury, which is the closest to the Sun. Whereas, Earth is the third nearest planet to the Sun. Venus takes roughly 225 days to round the Sun in its own orbit. Venus is the only planet in the universe that is in a continuous effort to keep the land part of the earth static, in defiance of the speedy annual motion steered by Saturn and the diurnal motion controlled by the planet, Mercury. Moreover, it is seen that whenever Venus is in angular contradiction during its rotation or being adversely viewed by any planet or planets, primarily by Saturn, causes Earthquake. Venus stands for or symbolizes static land and stormy air on the Earth but of course, without rain. (20th August 2005)
  • Versatile - Skilled in many subjects or occupations, having many uses or comprehensive.
  • Vigour - Energy and strength of body and mind.
  • Virgo - The astrological glossary explains Virgo, the maiden is the sixth Zodiac and the second earthy zone extends from 150 degrees to 180 degrees. This Zodiac is earthy and common in nature, controlled by the planet, Mercury. Please be informed that, with respect to earth, every Zodiac has three common features; Sun, Moon, and Rising sign respectively.
  • Virgonian - According to the glossary of astrology, a person born or belonging to the Zodiac, Virgo is known as a Virgonian.
  • Website - A website is like a book on the global electronic media i.e. internet, which provides information about a subject or a particular topic for the perusal of irrespective visitors of the world. Web means, Net or Internet, and Site means, Space or Place i.e. website means, place on the internet for some meaningful purpose.
  • Zodiac - According to the astrological glossary, Zodiac means, a belt around the Heavens which is divided into 12 equal parts called signs including all apparent positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets, as known to ancient astronomers.
Wisdom, the sole way to Salvation.
Asish Kumar Das, 07th June 2008 has been published in various languages. Copy of content is prohibited.
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